Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 45th birthday of the Spodek at the evening banquet at the International Congress Centre. More than 1500 people from the worlds of entertainment and culture, sports, science and business attended the festive event.
The evening was opened by an exceptional charity auction, the “Chairs for ISKIERKA”, in which participants placed bids for private chairs donated by celebrities such as Krystyna Janda, Marcin Krupa, Wojciech Saługa, Professor Violetta Skrzypulec, and Natalia Przybysz. The excellent initiative was started by Krystyna Bochenek, the longtime reporter of Radio Katowice, and later Deputy Marshal of the Senate, as “Chairs for Science”. This year, the auction returned with a new edition to accompany the 45th birthday of the Spodek Arena. PLN 106,000 was collected and all the proceeds went to meeting the needs of the little protégés of the ISKIERKA Foundation.
Thank you for celebrating the Spodek’s birthday with us!
Nearly 7000 people attended the birthday concert at the Spodek! Thank you all for helping create the fantastic atmosphere and unforgettable moments. The stage was shared by Lady Pank, Cree, Marek Piekarczyk, Miuosh, Kaliber44 and Myslovitz.
Celebrations kicked off with an Open Day: 3000 guests joined us to have fun together, take part in a guided tour and talk about the Spodek Arena.
The day was crowned by a festive dinner with the attendance of more than 1500 representatives from the world of entertainment and culture, science, and business. Thank you for joining us for the jubilee and come take part in the upcoming exceptional events at the Spodek Arena and the International Congress Centre.